Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm listening to OkiZoo

You may know my friends from the OkiZoo, a group of MC's and DJ's that started in Okinawa, Japan a long time ago...  I've been good friends with these guys for almost 10 years now, and a couple of the fellas live here in Denver now.  They've been sitting on the "Olio Fuzion" album for a few years and they just released it for immediate download on Bandcamp.  I think they're getting the itch to work together again, but first they needed to purge!

Ea5e 95 (also of OZ) dropped his album "More than Magic" with Australian beatmaker, Ta-Ku (Paperchain Records).  It's like being on a magical rollercoaster...  This album is $10 or listen for free right now-

These guys get me hyped on music!

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