Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Deep Reading

*the act of focusing mind energy into art*

You may or may not know what a stereo image actually is, heck the only reason I know is from my dad who was a geologist for 30+ years...  I'm still not sure exactly how to explain it, but I'll try:  Two images set side-by-side that are essentially the same image but taken from slightly opposing angles, when a person looks at both images from a particular distance they form one image that has depth/dimension to it.  (Wiki Stereogram for a better definition)

With my artwork, I hope to achieve a depth that stems from using this "stereo" concept in an "abstract" sense...  The images and ideas coming from both hemispheres of my brain intersecting and materializing into one physical piece of art for you to enjoy!


I Google searched "stereo abstract" and I found some interesting things, the term has definitely been used before, not frequently but it's out there!  The coolest thing I found has more to do with the creation of hybrid images based on math and positions and texture, which is pretty interesting...  If you have time, please read/browse this report written by two students from the University of Minnesota, Electric and Computer Engineering Department, entitled Non-Photorealistic Rendering from Stereo.  It's not as boring as it sounds!

Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm listening to OkiZoo

You may know my friends from the OkiZoo, a group of MC's and DJ's that started in Okinawa, Japan a long time ago...  I've been good friends with these guys for almost 10 years now, and a couple of the fellas live here in Denver now.  They've been sitting on the "Olio Fuzion" album for a few years and they just released it for immediate download on Bandcamp.  I think they're getting the itch to work together again, but first they needed to purge!

Ea5e 95 (also of OZ) dropped his album "More than Magic" with Australian beatmaker, Ta-Ku (Paperchain Records).  It's like being on a magical rollercoaster...  This album is $10 or listen for free right now-

These guys get me hyped on music!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

RAW Artists Showcase Next Month

My first art appearance this year will be next month at City Hall for the RAW Artists Kaleidoscope Showcase...  I have 20 tickets I need to sell for the event to help me pay for event expenses and I'm asking folks to support me by purchasing a ticket or two and coming out to the show on June 28th, tickets are $15.  I look forward to seeing plenty of familiar faces next month!  If you can't make it that night, I encourage you to sponsor me by purchasing a ticket regardless.
Thanks for your support!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hello folks! I'm really bad about keeping new content on this blog... I guess getting married and having a new baby will do that to a guy! I've been consolidating photos and whatnot to build a portfolio site with and it's pretty close to being up to date... I hope you take the time to visit and still visit my blogspot, as I'll eventually get back on here to post happenings!

Other than my growing family, the only update art related that I have is for June 28th, I'll be showcasing with RAW artists at City Hall events center. Tickets are $15 and the sales help me cover my booth costs. Please click the link and help support me! Thanks-