Sunday, September 9, 2012

19 days...

I'm having my solo show at DVSN West at the end of this month (Sept 28) and I've got a lot of work left to do!  My show is title "Beauty is..." my objective is to transform the act of graffiti vandalism into beautiful objects.  I have a past of walking around the city, and there were always specific things that fascinated me about graffiti and street art, so I'm going to share those things with everyone.

"Beauty is..." will feature mostly dimensional objects which I have fabricated or designed, I am welding a lot of metal pieces to show, painting others, and I'm even going to do 2 or 3 neon pieces!  Neon lighting has been an obsession of mine since I started designing furniture and things almost 10 years ago and this will be the first time I will use it in an artistic format.  I don't want to give too much away, but I'm really excited about the show!

I've been slacking on getting flyers printed, but I did manage to get some sweet stickers printed to promote, so look out for those around Denver and RSVP on my Facebook event if you feel so compelled!  DVSN West is an urban clothing boutique located at 250 Fillmore Street in Cherry Creek North.